Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
{Halloween} part I
"Mommy's Little Pumpkin"
This years costume ended up being a last minute change due to the weather- it ended up being a bit cooler than expected! I had bought this particular costume the year before, because I LOVED it, especially it's headband, but it was too big for Miss Priss! This year it worked out perfectly for her to wear it, so she did! (& as for the costume she was going to wear, maybe next year?)
pictures to come, having bit of trouble with posting when pictures are attached!
This years costume ended up being a last minute change due to the weather- it ended up being a bit cooler than expected! I had bought this particular costume the year before, because I LOVED it, especially it's headband, but it was too big for Miss Priss! This year it worked out perfectly for her to wear it, so she did! (& as for the costume she was going to wear, maybe next year?)
pictures to come, having bit of trouble with posting when pictures are attached!
Yes, I'm BACK!
sort of!
I have A LOT of blogging to do to catch up, & as soon as I can figure out how to upload pictures via my cell phone, onto here I'll be back to blogging!
I have SO many pictures that go along with the blog posts,
so as soon as I figure it all out I'll catch up!
(trying to figure out how to directly upload from my phone, since the laptop crashed!)
Hope everyone is having a fabulous first day of November!
It's FINALLY feeling a bit like fall here now, & we are LOVING it!
Blogger App downloaded & now I can FINALLY upload pictures from my phone to my blog, which means I can blog my little heart away now! Yay!
Off to blogging I go!
stay tuned...
Off to blogging I go!
stay tuned...
Friday, August 24, 2012
Hello Hello
So I've done it, yet again, I've neglected HH's & HB's!
But I'm back now... & have lots & lots to catch up on...
(about 3 months worth)
SO off to blogging I go!
stay tuned...
Friday, May 18, 2012
Favorite Finds Friday
Every so often I find things that I just absolutely fall in LOVE with and become OBSESSED with... SO I figured I'd share my favorites (every so often on Friday's) with my favorites! :)
My two favorite things I'm posting about today, just so happen to both be products from the line of 'E.L.F.' ...
if you do not know of this brand get aquatinted!
They have different lines ranging from $1 up to $6, & available at my favorite... Target!
Also, it's important, (or at least I think so) to note that E.L.F. is "cruelty free"- meaning they do not test on animals, which makes me love them even more!

if you do not know of this brand get aquatinted!
They have different lines ranging from $1 up to $6, & available at my favorite... Target!
I've also been told they are at different stores now too, although I've yet to confirm it- I usually do most of my shopping at Target- so it's a perfect fit for myself- if you do not have a Target (I'm SO SO sorry!)
you can go here and put in your zip code and they'll locate a nearest available store for you!
OR you can just go to their website and shop!
Also, it's important, (or at least I think so) to note that E.L.F. is "cruelty free"- meaning they do not test on animals, which makes me love them even more!

Okay, now onto my two new items I picked up!
E.L.F. foundation brush {$3}
I was a little hesistant, but figured if it wasn't good I was only out three dollars!
But, I am SO glad I took that huge financial risk, HA, because I absolutely LOVE this little brush!
I feel it makes my foundation look so much better & smoother.
Second 'favorite find' of mine, is also another E.L.F. product...
E.L.F. HD Powder {$6}
I'm not really sure if this one makes such a huge difference or not, BUT I do LOVE
how soft it makes my skin feel... so for that alone is why I'm OBSESSED! :)
*update- let me warn- a little bit goes a long way with this product! Since it's HD, it's white- and so when applying it can totally make you casper-esque if applying to much.
HAPPY Friday & happy shopping!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Wordless Wednesday ♥
I'm her FAVORITE pillow, & I don't mind one bit...
LOVE LOVE LOVE moments like these!
(from our 'Friday Night MOVIE Night')
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Happy Mothers Day
OR as I like to call it Mommy Day!
for my second Mommy Day, me & Miss Priss had a girly day...
(now, I know, that's not much different than any other day for us)
full of movies, pancakes, pedi's, & a trip to Starbucks!
we had a mini Audrey movie marathon with,
Roman Holiday, Sabrina, &, of course, Breakfast at Tiffany's
Chocolate Chip Pancakes with Strawberries & Whipped Cream
Miss Priss helped... with the chocolate chips...
(and when I say "helped" I mean ate them)
after our pancakes and into our third and final Audrey movie,
Sabrina, we did some pampering...
got into our robes
and slippers...
'Yoo-hoo' CHEERS!
matching hot PINK toes!
and then it was time for 'happy hour' at Starbucks for frapps...
I had us matching...
even our shoes too...
Miss Priss is one HAPPY girl when she gets her 'Double Chocolately Chip frapp'!
even our frapps match! :)
and then it was time to make CUPCAKES!
so we got into our matching aprons, that Nonna got for us last Easter...
Miss Priss mixing the mix
and then it was time to make CUPCAKES!
so we got into our matching aprons, that Nonna got for us last Easter...
Miss Priss mixing the mix
and then after all that hard work at making those sweet and fabulous pink cupcakes, without needing the Firefighters assistance, :)
it was was time for dinner... and with it being 'Mommy Day' and all, I opted for an easy meal that both me and Prissy Pants LOVE...
BUT first, I put on one of my newest little aprons...
it reads: "Will Cook For Shoes"
InstaGram decided it wanted to cut off the 'Shoes' part, so it did!
and then Miss Priss watched a few of her shows
and then it was time for her bedtime...
& then it was MOMMY TIME!
so I poured myself a glass of white wine, & had a cupcake (or 2, possibly 3)
and watched my shows!
('The Client List', 'The Real Housewives of NJ', & 'Desperate Houswives' too)
I HOPE every Mommy had a fabulous day!
The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.
She never existed before.
The woman existed, but the mother, never.
A mother is something absolutely new. ♥
She never existed before.
The woman existed, but the mother, never.
A mother is something absolutely new. ♥
Hello Hello!
SORRY for disappearing, yet again!
I am BACK, & ready to play catch up...
so sit back and catch up with me! :)
I'm currently waiting for my new favorite show,
The Client List, with Jennifer Love Hewitt, to come on and I'm splurging with a glass of wine and strawberry cupcake!
Me and Miss Priss made cupcakes today... I'll be posting all of that following this post- promise!
Okay off blogging I go!
Friday, May 11, 2012
Friday Night MOVIE Night
While out shopping for a few must-needed things
(milk, diapers, etc.)
We came across movies for $5 (LOVE when they do those)
And Miss Priss, of course, found the only "Yo Gabba Gabba" DVD
and right next to it, candy- SO I decided we would make it into a "Movie Night" that night, & that's just what we did! :)
We used to do this almost every Friday night, but it had been a while-
so it was nice to bring it back!
I also picked up a make-it-yourself pizza,
& wine for me
(hey, it's my juice like hers!) :)
and we had a fun little movie night... which consisted of watching 3 movies
(3 movies in about 1 hour or so)
and ending it with her "YGG" one... (which she fell asleep to)
my 2-year-old has a bit of A.D.D. I do believe...
We started off watching a Barbie movie the "Charm School" one or whatever it is called- which is very very cute- Mommy doesn't mind watching it, (all of it)
and then next it was "Horton Hears a Who" (which lasted for maybe 25-30 minutes)
THEN next up, it was "Pocahontas" which didn't even last 10 minutes!
HOPE you all had a fun-filled Friday night as well!
Friday, March 30, 2012
the FINAL countdown...
has begun for our "Girls Trip" to DISNEY
with my Mom, my sister & her mini's and myself and Miss Prissy Pants!
(official countdown ticker has been added up above- it's not centered, I know) :)
(official countdown ticker has been added up above- it's not centered, I know) :)
I'm SO in LOVE with this picture & am hoping we can recreate this on our trip!
are you an INFLUENSTER?

not sure if you are or aren't? Or not sure if you know exactly what that is?!
if you like trying new products and are always up on the new trends, & share your fab finds with family & friends then you are in fact an "influenster"!
And good news, there's this site that is especially designed for us influensters...
where you register and unlock these little "badges", which is a questionaire/survey!
(think Girl Scouts)
There's many badges to pick from, some won't be a good match- like for me, the "outdoorsy" badge just isn't the best one for me! ha :)
the more badges you collect, the better chance you have at obtaining a spot to get a "VoxBox" sent to you!
-VoxBox: a box full of products for you to try out and rate.
(they do themes for them)
and the best part, it's all FREE! :)
I got an email notification letting me know that I had been chosen for their
"LOVE VoxBox" and weeks later, I received it!
I must admit, I was like a little kid on Christmas morning when mine arrived!
I'll be posting about my experience with my first VB later!
(along with my feedback of all the products!)
There's many badges to pick from, some won't be a good match- like for me, the "outdoorsy" badge just isn't the best one for me! ha :)
the more badges you collect, the better chance you have at obtaining a spot to get a "VoxBox" sent to you!
-VoxBox: a box full of products for you to try out and rate.
(they do themes for them)
and the best part, it's all FREE! :)
I got an email notification letting me know that I had been chosen for their
"LOVE VoxBox" and weeks later, I received it!
I must admit, I was like a little kid on Christmas morning when mine arrived!
I'll be posting about my experience with my first VB later!
(along with my feedback of all the products!)
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
nail LOVE
recently, as an "Influenster", I received my first "VoxBox"
the 'LOVE VoxBox'
and I got to try a product for nails... art for your nails!
"Kiss" 'Nail Dress'
I got the leopard print design, as you can see above!
My little Prissy Pants wanted to have her nails be "dressed" too, so I did hers as well!
and they were adorable! :)
NOW, for the good stuff....
my review of the product:
I saved this product for last, although I was excited to try it, I was also a bit nervous it would be hard or that I would mess it up- BUT no fear, it is VERY VERY easy!
I honestly LOVED them,
my only complaint that I have is the actual strips do have a very strong smell-
like nail polish does- but it doesn't last long-
so all in all it's no different than when painting your nails really!
but other than that I LOVED this product
I'll definitely purchase more and experiment with their other styles!
(& Miss Priss too!)
OH and they do last A LOT longer than nail polish-
whenever you do decide to remove them, they peel right off!
whenever you do decide to remove them, they peel right off!
(just make sure you do file & buff your nails
before applying regular nail polish after using these strips!)
I left mine on for a little over 2 weeks... they say they last up to 10 days- but mine were still going strong after 2+ weeks, & I chose to finally take them off- only because I finally found my favorite polish and color in the store on Saturday!
here's a picture well into the second week:
(still perfectly intact)
SO to sum it up...
PRO's: easy to apply and NO having to wait for them to dry (a plus for Mommy's),
lasts longer than nail polish, satisfaction of being a nail designer without actually having to do anything! :)
*they also provide a cute little pink nail filer-
to make sure you get the best application of the strips to your nails!
CON's: strong smell after opening- so take strips out of the package before you intend to apply them to your nails!
PRO's: easy to apply and NO having to wait for them to dry (a plus for Mommy's),
lasts longer than nail polish, satisfaction of being a nail designer without actually having to do anything! :)
*they also provide a cute little pink nail filer-
to make sure you get the best application of the strips to your nails!
CON's: strong smell after opening- so take strips out of the package before you intend to apply them to your nails!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
just call me Martha Stewart
Miss Martha Stewart, if you're PC!
Me & Miss Priss made Gaga birthday presents this year...
Miss Priss' is SO much better than mine,
because it's very personal
something that Gaga can keep forever!
because it's very personal
something that Gaga can keep forever!
And mine is just a frou-frou night-time necessity!
(or, at least, I think it is)
{pretties for Gaga}
{Miss Priss gift- her handprints "My Hands" with a little poem}
{My gift- a frou-frou sleeping mask with some bling, bows, sequins, & a feather}
along with a "Girls Day" with Gaga, complete with a stop to our favorite coffee shop
(STARBUCKS) and whatever else Gaga fancies!
(post with pictures to follow)
along with a "Girls Day" with Gaga, complete with a stop to our favorite coffee shop
(STARBUCKS) and whatever else Gaga fancies!
(post with pictures to follow)
{Happy Birthday}
to my Momma and to Miss Priss' Gaga!
We are SO very very blessed to have you in our lives!
We LOVE you more than words could every say!
{Happy Birthday Gaga, Love- Miss Priss}
(I've done this every year for Nonna Gaga on her birthday)
& a few more...
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Friday Night MOVIE Night
with PIZZA!
Me and my Prissy Pants had one of our infamous Movie & Pizza nights tonight!
(with matching plates)
Miss Priss just LOVES that she gets to play with her food! :)
(making her little pizzas)
We watched Disney's "The Princess & The Frog"
and then once Prissy Pants went to bed,
I poured myself a glass of wine & it was TWILIGHT time!
my idea of a perfect Saturday night!
HOPE everyone had their ideal of perfection tonight too!
Looky Looky what I received in the mail today from my mini's...
they know exactly what "Auntie Weesha" LOVES, and NEEDED!
(THANKS Auntie JennJenn!) :)
and the best part, I got upgraded!
I didn't have the '2-disc special edition' before... so YAY!
I can't wait to watch the extended scenes and the documentary!
I know, I know, I'm a NERD!
a SHOPPING Saturday, with a little DANCING & FIREFIGHTERS too!
say what?
Yes, shopping, dancing, & firefighters... oh my!
Now, I know you are thinking where exactly did I take my toddler shopping... HA ...
but just read my
Today me and Miss Priss had to make a much-needed shopping trip to Tarjaay!
(oh darn, right?) :)

Although, it was strictly for things we needed... milk, diapers, wipes...etc.
plus maybe a few things we didn't need too...
... maybe... perhaps?!
... maybe... perhaps?!
although this little Disney Princess book and pen was a MUST-have and needed!
(since Friday, she got A LOT of signatures, which filled up her book!)
I just LOVE Target!
both of these items were on their "dollar aisles"...
and if you've ever been to Disney or even a Disney store, the pen alone would have been at least $8-$10 and the little book $10-$12 ... SO I think it was a great deal!
(see how I can rationalize shopping & spending? it's a gift, I know!) :)
I'll be keeping them out of Miss Priss' little hands, and in the wrappers, because she likes to uhhm, well... mess things up...
we are just at that stage, & what a joyful stage it is! HA
I can't tell you how nice it is to see scribbles in my planner, daily calendar, notes, etc!
Maybe I just have a future little artist?!
Okay back to the story...
Still feeling all sore & achy from yesterday's Epcot trip...
(post & pictures coming soon)
(post & pictures coming soon)
I couldn't manage to get into real clothes, so I committed a fashion faux pas...
I went in my sweat-suit... BUT I did pair it with some HIGH heel wedges!
(so I feel, that helped and excused it, plus it was a Saturday too!)
(so I feel, that helped and excused it, plus it was a Saturday too!)
which are gold and matched my sparkly glittery-gold shirt underneath my jacket...
which went perfectly with my gold and brown leopard nails,
So in a way, I looked very well put-together, but just wasn't feeling it!
OH and the best part, I had Miss Priss in a sort-of matching outfit but with an added POP of color with her hot pink & sparkles of gold TUTU
along with her gold sparkly shoes!
Miss Priss' & Mommy's
(Sorry, this is like my 43298042 picture like this of our shoes, but I just LOVE them!)
SO on our way to Tarjaay, BritBrit comes on {Till the World Ends}
and we get stopped at a red-light.
I'm dancing away, and turning back and watching my mini me dance and copy me with my LOVELY car-dancing skills... which inlcude a lot of head-boppin'...
when I turn back around to check on the light,
I also happen to notice a male-driver in the next lane,
who has been watching mine and Prissy's "performance"!
I'm sure my face turned BRIGHT RED, I was mortified!
But he must have liked it, because we both got two thumbs up!
Thankfully he was in the turning lane,
which was the the light that turned first before ours,
thankfully I was wearing my new BIG sunglasses too!
thankfully I was wearing my new BIG sunglasses too!
sidenote: I now LOVE "Wonka" sunglasses!
SO embarassing, but what can I say, I LOVE me some BritBrit!
AND so does my mini me! :)
A few more red lights (with no more performances) and we arrived at Target!
Which was a successful shopping trip, I finally used a coupon,
& received 5 more coupns that I'll most likely be using- WooHoo!
And not to mention, I saved on a few items too, & picked up another one of their pizza's because they had texted me a coupon for it ($1 off)
I must say, I felt pretty high-tech at the check out pulling it up on my phone
& having her scan it off of it! I'm usually a not so tech-savy-kind of girl,
so this made me feel a little bit more tech-savy and hip! HA :)
sidenote: Why is it whenever it's a small shopping spree they give you more coupons, & when you buy just about everything in the store you only get a couple coupons?!
(has anyone else noticed this too?)
Just call me Miss Coupon Queen! HA
On our way back home, at the same intersection light where our performance happened, I noticed a fire truck on the side of the road, and then saw firefighters...
they were out collecting money... I start looking for any money... I hardly ever have actual cash on me these days, I'm strictly a debit-card girl-
SO, of course, I come up with nada... just change... but hey, change is better than nothing and every penny helps, right? Well I hope so, because I literally gave the firefighter 4 pennies and a dime... pathetic, I know- but any change I ever have I give to Miss Priss for her piggy banks (she LOVES "feeding" her piggies)
I VOW, to donate more in the future, promise firefighters!
But the very nice, and very cute too, firefighter smiled and still gave me a sticker! :)
HOPE everyone's Saturday was a blessed one,
with no embarrassment! :)
(or if it was, feel free to share!)
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