Thursday, January 20, 2011

Coffee, Catch Up,& more COFFEE!

I'm a bad, bad blogger!

If there were an award for the worst blogger, I'd win!

I've been SO crazy busy lately...

*planning Kenley's Birthday
*setting up & designing a blog for Nonna (my Mom)
(she's a Bon Jovi LOVER,
hence the address & name of her blog 'It's My Life')
*starting the process of creating a business!
((I'll be posting more once it's all done!))
*trying to keep up with my child & everything that she gets into!
(which leads me to my next)
((24-7 it feels like!))

So with all of this going on, I've neglected HH's & HB's a bit!
with  2 cups of coffee & 1 iced-coffee 
I'm going to play "Catch Up" today
try my best to not neglect anymore!

HOPE everyone is having FABULOUS Thursday!
I know yesterday was WINES-day...
but I think today/tonight should be too!
((at least for me))



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