Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Earth Day, 2020

Happy Earth Day!

We are still doing Schooling at Home, and this week Kenley had a fun assignment for MUSIC that involved being outside, so I saved it for today to also celebrate EARTH DAY!

Her assignment was to pick a spot outside, sit and listen to sounds... 
and then, pick 4 sounds and draw the things she heard.

So I made her a sheet with 4 spaces for the things she heard, gathered one of our cozy comforters, packed a bag of snacks and we picked an ideal spot outside AND thankfully it was the PERFECT weather, granted we waited until later in the day, but it was very breezy and absolutely perfection!

Her Four Things...

For 1, instead of drawing the bird she heard, we took a picture of it instead and I just used my little Sprocket (picture printer) to print it out and since it prints out on sticky film, she just stuck it on like a sticker! Also used our Instax camera to document our 'Earth Day Picnic' and just placed it on top while I took the picture to turn it in to her Music Teacher. 
This was definitely a favorite from this week, and a reminder to enjoy the little things!


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