Friday, December 8, 2023




I took a long blogging break, two years.
A lot has happened in those two years, and I needed the break. More on that later.

I'm going to make a return to this little blog of mine!

I love having a place I can come back to and look at all the sweet memories created.

I'm not entirely certain how I'll handle the whole two year gap...
 I might post things from then, or I may not. Maybe a year in review of both.
There's not a lot from 2021 I want to remember if I'm being honest. If you follow me on any of my social (Instagram or FB) then you are already aware of it. 

That will be a TBD situation, but for now I plan to keep this little blog up to date!

Since it is Friday, I feel it's only appropriate to include my Friday Favorites, from the week. 

     With love,


Monday, March 1, 2021


Hello, MARCH!

I cannot believe it's already March, 2021 is going by so fast already.
I am excited to welcome Spring, and to not have to play teacher for a week and have some fun with Kenley for her SPRING BREAK! We'll be creating a Spring Break Bucket List. I always love these things, and it's always fun to see if we'll finish them or not- most of the time we do. Not excited to lose an hour of sleep, but it will be exciting to not think it's 10 at 5:30 when looking out the window- so YAY for that.

We'll also be celebrating a BIRTHDAY, for someone special... last years was extra special because it was a big one for this someone, but I won't reveal the number... you're welcome, Gaga! Ha! :)

All in all March should be another fun month, just like February.
Hopefully it'll be just as good to us as February was, too.


Sunday, February 28, 2021

February Favorites ♡


Some of our favorites from February...

In February we:
Created COUNTDOWNS for both Kenley's Birthday and Valentine's Day
Did a lot of Valentine's SHOPPING 
Got A LOT of new (& vintage) BOOKS
Celebrated Kenley's GOLDEN BIRTHDAY, turning ELEVEN on the eleventh
Went to a CARNIVAL
ATE a lot of COTTON CANDY (from the carnival and not from the carnival)
Celebrated Valentine's Day
Ordered a book from PARIS, Shakespeare & Co.
ATE a lot of CAKE

February is always one of my absolute favorite months... the month of LOVE, and also celebrating my mini's birthday! Every February I write out hearts for Kenley... things I love about her... I usually only start on the first and go until the fourteenth, but this year I did 28! I also started scripture hearts this year, but just 14... picked some of my favorite scriptures about love and wrote them on hearts, too, and shared them with Kenley. I loved this, and I think we'll continue doing it every year now.

Hope everyone had a lovely February!


Thursday, February 11, 2021

Birthday Love ♡


It's official, she's ELEVEN! ♡

At exactly 10:40, I lit her golden 11 candles and sang 'Happy Birthday' to her! Watched her make her birthday wish, and of course, saved the candles! This has been our little tradition that I started for her when she turned one, and although some years she has missed it, due to stupid school (ha), for most of her birthday's we've gotten to do it! Always a cupcake with candles and it must all be done at exactly 10:40, because that's the time she arrived into this world! This birthday was extra special this year though because it was her GOLDEN BIRTHDAY... she turned ELEVEN on the eleventh!

Tuesday, January 26, 2021



Today would have been my Poppa's 80th Birthday!

His birthday is always a bittersweet day, but especially this one.

It's always sad with him no longer here, but I try to do fun things on his birthday... like things he liked or things that remind me of him. I usually let Kenley pick out candy... when us children (I had a lot of cousins growing up) were over, he'd always go to the store and come back with CANDY for us to pick from. So I let Kenley pick out her own candy and I always pick out Peanut M&M's for myself... two reasons why, one because he loved nuts any kind of nuts and two because his nickname for me was "Peanut"...  I've always been petite and so that's what he started calling me as a baby and it just stuck.

This year there was candy, but also champagne!

And I finally got to break in my Kate Spade champagne flutes!

His favorite color was blue, so we had blue icing cupcakes, complete with "80" candles for one! We did not light them though. We also made some biscuits... they were his absolute favorite things. I'm lucky because my Nanny taught me how she makes them, and even gave me her recipe for them, too!

We celebrated his life, and shed some tears, too.

Happy Heavenly Birthday, Poppa!

Love, Peanut